Josh o' Trades

Monday, April 09, 2007

We Should Have 3 Day Weekends Every Week

Hey Kids.

How are you today? Good, I hope.

It is Monday, April the 9th at a little after nine in the morning as I write this, and Jo’T HQ is currently DSL-challenged. (Read that: My boss didn’t pay the phone bill, so our server was terminated on Good Friday. Fitting, no? Only, no resurrection as of yet. Sigh) So, it will be interesting to see exactly when I’ll be able to post this.

Let’s see. What’s been going on?

A couple of weekends ago, Babs and I ventured to Louisiana with her parents to meet my family and have people give us presents. It’s a new concept to me, but one I think I could get used to.

The 2 Households got along quite well; I’m pleased to say. What with all the food and presents and food and the driving and the food.

Last weekend brought the long awaited exodus from the only home that the Pep’s ever known to the adorable little cottage in Plano. Yes, the move went well. It’s amazing how much junk one can accumulate in just one short decade. Er…yeah. My last apartment? I was a resident for 12 years. Twelve. Years.

I’ll pause a moment to let that sink in.

Yeah. I KNOW!

So, now Babs and I have a new abode. Well, technically, I have the new abode. Babs isn’t due in until the wedding. But that’s just a mater of semantics. We spent the last week unpacking and finding new projects to do around the house. Nothing major - We get to install a doorbell tonight. – Just little odds and ends that come with a new home.

We’re also revamping my Bachelor Bookshelves so as to be a mite more presentable to the outside world. And running speaker wire for the surround sound. And trying to track down the box with the other half of the kitchen stuff.

The entertainment center is up and running (Top priority, for those that know me). The DVDs are unpacked and displayed and a couple of props are out, waiting for a shelf.

Pep is adjusting well to her new surroundings. There are many more windows for her to look out of, and a new hardwood floor for her to slide across. So, despite hiding in the closet for most of the day while I’m away, she’s quite content to venturing out in the evenings and exploring her new digs.

Babs and I had our first sit down meal in the new house yesterday. Fitting that it was Easter Dinner. We had baked honey-ham and veggies. And biscuits. Very good!

This is supposedly the last week that my office will be in Addison. Our moving date is scheduled for next Monday. So, we’ll see. I’ll be glad to be working in Richardson now, as the new house is close to 75, and I haven’t exactly been enjoying the new commute that’s twice as long as I’m used to. Oh well. Only one more week. Maybe…..

I guess that’s about it. We’re getting closer to the wedding. The invitations were sent out last week and we’re already getting RSVPs in. So that’s good. The stress is steadily growing, but that’s to be expected.

All in all, life is good at the moment.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday.
