You Will Believe...Again
"The first movie I remember watching all the way through was Superman. I recall standing up in my chair, completely in awe of what I was witnessing. My first glimpse of a hero without even knowing what that word was. My parents (and old photos) tell of years of running around the house with a red beach towel safety-pinned around my neck. Of jumping out of trees and off of roofs just knowing that this time, gravity would bend to my will.
As the years went by, the ideology and symbolism of the last son of Krypton began to shape me into the man I am today. The morals of life, liberty, and the American way were the values I most wanted to uphold. It wasn't the powers or the strength or even the flying, it was the idea that regardless of what we can do, what was important was the compassion for our fellow man. That we should do everything within our power – whatever power that may be – to help those unable to help themselves.
The mythos of Superman began back in the 1930’s, and several versions of the Big Blue Boy Scout have come and gone, but for me, there will only be one Superman. The man I was first introduced to back in a little theater in a little town in 1978. The tagline of the move was simple. 'You will believe a man can fly.' And we did. And we do."
I wrote those words on October 11, 2004, the day I heard that Chris Reeve had passed away. At the time, I remember thinking that no one could take his place. That Richard Donner's 1978 release of Superman could never be topped.
I was wrong.
Last night I was able to become a 5 year old again. To witness magic once again on the silver screen, something I haven't seen in a long time. Last night I saw what I'm going to call THE definitive Superman film. The film that will inspire a whole new generation of children to believe in heroes again.
Last night I saw Brian Singer's love letter to Donner and Chris and Dana. Last night, I saw SUPERMAN.
There's so much more I want to say, but I don't want to give anything away. I'll probably post a real review after the weekend, once I've seen it again, and can talk more freely about it.
But, for now, go out and buy a ticket. Buy 20. Take everyone you know to this movie. And, when it's over, get back in line and see it again.
This is the one we've been waiting for. I can't express how much I enjoyed this film, and how much it has restored my faith in the magic of the movies. I can't wait to hear your views on it.
"He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly." ~B.C. Forbes